Have you ever checked you inbox and find a Google invitation to G+ (Google Plus)? Well it’s not that new but hey congrats! You’re just one of the pioneering crawlers that Google had chosen to “root” their awesome networking site. But instead of freaking out, why won’t you get your freak on and try to explore the site. Don’t worry; we’ll walk you through on this. So buckle up because the first thing that we’ll have to do after we signed in is…
Get to have a profile. Click your own profile in the navigation bar and try to “Edit Profile” to start and then…
Fill in the Blanks. It’s as easy as writing in your defunct “Slum Note”, but this time you got to upload a profile picture which makes it way better. Afterwhich, it’s time to create some…
Sparks. Sparks are like RSS feeds of your interest. But this time you’re making a category to connect with your potential “friends”. You can also check out some articles and blogs that sync with your interest…that is if you have time to spare before you show your face in the…
Hangout. You can video chat up to 5 friends (last time I checked) at the same time. This is a great tool for groupies or families to have a smooth and uninterrupted chat session. And don’t forget to…
Fill your Circles. Circles are subgroups of all your friends in G+. You can group your contacts in different circles, and update your status discretely in one circle from one circle to another.
And I think I’ll leave you from there. Explore and have fun in G+. We’ll keep you posted with essential tips next time.