The Play Store is clouded with different kinds of social networking apps with varied purposes – connect with friends, make online presence for marketing, publish resumes for potential employers and/or search possible partner in life. These apps have made a huge impact on our daily lives and now that we have come into the mobile age, location-based apps gained a bigger advantage among these offerings. A newcomer app called. Voxle integrates location-based functions and social media connectivity into one multi-purpose app.
Features: Community Social Media
Voxle is a fast-growing localized social network that offers free calls and text just like your other social messaging app. This AppBauer GmbH-developed app also utilizes Facebook-like profile and photo sharing functionalities. Its so-called “Bark” or “message on location” function is like the latter’s status-posting scheme wherein you can publish to your friends and other people who follows you in Voxle.
And just because this app utilizes GPS information, you are able to see you friends’ definite location. You could also organize events and invite friends in the community. Using this feature could also give you access to your friends’ whereabouts (a Google-powered map will instantly show their current location). The app itself is comparable to Path which offers intensive sharing among limited number of friends.
Being an active Voxle user will give you credits that in turn could activate your “Superpowers.” Having Superpowers will let you use special features like detailed search results, possible profile matches, etc. This feature also guns for the point system feature of Skout and other similar app. And just like Foursquare, you could also avail special offers from restaurants, coffee shops and from other participating merchants in your community.
User Interface
The app itself is pretty. The minimalist design and squeaky buttons make the interface more engaging to use than any other social app I’ve tried. The neutral gray and black may seem off to some who wants a vibrant tone on their social app but nevertheless, it’s a very solid or should I say smooth experience.
Making your way through the whole interface is just a walk in the park. Once opened, the app will greet you with a registration page and a Facebook sync option. Ofcourse, there’s a custom email registration if you wouldn’t want the previous.
The Hot and the Not
One of the deal-makers that this app boasts is its security features. You can toggle settings to boost your privacy. Likewise you can customize the data that you want to put in your profile. The app also doesn’t suck that much juice from your battery. Compared to other location-based app, Voxle could keep you on the road longer than the usual.
However, just like any other new app, Voxle needs a lot of updating to do. I found some glitches in the profile tabs and “timed out error” upon registration. I’m sure the developers could fix that in one update.
The Wrap
Voxle for Android is a legit app. I’ve been a Path user for quite some time and I found Voxle to be the one that could replace the previous in my social folder. User Interface is very smooth even when you’re running in Android 2.2. It may not be the one to take down giants like Facebook, Foursquare or Twitter but it definitely deserves a second look if you’re in the market for some location based social media app.