Seeing remarkable
mobile-phone hardware in the wild would always makes me stop and stare. It is the
likes of industrialize design of iPhone 4S and Xperia phones or the
semi-aluminum body of HTC series that would always amaze us out in the open.
But as important as the hardware of any phone or tablet, the software would
always be the soul of the device’s performance and popularity.
Being in the mobile
age, we can never deny the supremacy of Google’s Android. It has the vast
majority of handsets all over the entire planet with the ever popular Apple’s
iOS on its heels. Coming in at third place is Microsoft’s Windows Phone OS
which grabs a small portion of the pie that has been consumed by the two
giants. Other platforms are also making waves due to its user-based features
like RIM’s BlackBerry OS and the rest of the graph are negligible portions of defunct
or abandoned OS like WebOS, Meego, and the once-domineering Symbian.
Starting to penetrate
an Android/iOS-driven market post a great challenge, it’s a difficult path that
has been endured with demise by Meego, WebOS and Symbian. Mozilla is taking a
great leap to enter this mobile OS war and the likes of this web browser giant
could make all these adversaries into a piece of cake. The Firefox maker is now
in the process of making its own mobile operating system.
This weird
Android-ish OS runs apps in HTML5 that made it somewhat faster, lighter and
more flexible compared to Google’s Android. Project Firefox OS aka Boot to
Gecko (B2G) apps are displayed in rounded or circular icons with a scrollbar
that depicts screen pages. The interface looks somewhat “decent” for developers
to sink into this platform. No one can argue that developers play a significant
role in the early years of an Operating System and Mozilla is a big name to
ponder upon if I were a developer. But what’s more interesting is that how will
this platform transpire into a bigger community of apps and services – that if
Mozilla can handle pressure.